Putumayo Records Presents: Gypsy Caravan 2001 Gypsy musicians from Spain, Hungary and beyond take us on a mysterious and entrancing musical journey. Rip 320kbs Covers included Wander through the exhilarating world of Gypsy music with Gypsy Caravan, a selection of songs from a culture where music is an essential part of daily life. Gypsies have long been known as gifted musicians and their music has enlivened weddings, dances and other celebrations for centuries. Gypsy Caravan includes gorgeous songs that will astonish the listener with their emotional depth, entrancing rhythms and alluring melodies. Over the years, Gypsies have been simultaneously scorned and glorified, rejected and romanticized. They are almost mythical and magical beings, representing people outside the confines and mundane realities of the everyday world. Gypsy music is exotic, mysterious and accessible and will appeal to a broad range of people who are interested in world and folk music. The success of films and soundtracks on Gypsy music such as Latcho Drom reveals that there is broad interest in Gypsy music and culture. Gypsy Caravan also features detailed liner notes by noted music critic and Gypsy music specialist Michal Shapiro. Tracklist: Romanyi Rota - Divi Divi, So Kerdjan Kalyi Jag - Movi Shei, Sabina Saban Bajramovic - Pena Vlatko Stefovski - Gipsy Song Coco Briaval - Les Yeux Noirs Thierry Robin - L'Amour S'Envole Miguel Angel Cortes - Al Likindoy Romanyi Rota - Korkore Zav Ande Kalyi Ratyi Amaro Suno - Kutka Avel e Sej Bari Djelem - Codru Ando Drom - Sza Tele Zsav This is one of the many Putumayo´s records I have in mind to upload, so please help keep seeding after you downloaded. Enjoy It! Ulysses56 For more info: http://www.putumayo.com/